Friday, August 2, 2019

Russell Street School

Russell Street School

I think it's a good idea that the Russell Street School has a blog section that includes the news and events. However, my favorite blog is "What Makes YOU Happy?" In my opinion, the answer to this question might determine how a teacher can help the student improve. Also, it shows that the school cares about how the student feels.

Furthermore, I liked that the website provided a School Stream Online and a Google Site because it lets others know what's going on at the school. However, the last Google Site post shows that the school prefers School Stream Online. In my opinion, the Google Site is better for those who want to post comments. Still, it might be easier for everyone if they're able to keep all the school-related information in one place.

Also, I don't see an issue with using a blog for school unless a blog or comment violates any school rules. In other words, the school should make it clear what is an acceptable post or comment and what isn't. Most of all, it's faster to share the information online and guarantees that the right people get the information.


  1. It is nice that there is different options for finding information about the school and each classroom. I found the Google Sites page to be a little busy but I was able to find better information about each classroom there. I then discovered on the schools website that they have two different mobile apps in use. One is that School Stream, then there is also Seesaw which seems to focus more on what students are actually learning in their classroom. I noticed you can comment on pages created in Seesaw but think you need to be given permission first, which is good to prevent outsiders from leaving bad comments.!/

    1. It's always good to think about how a student and parent would feel if something gets posted. Also, there's a law if certain information gets posted without permission.

  2. It's my guess that instructors whom are so circumspect regarding the use of technology in their classroom, also care about teaching learners what is appropriate use of the blog and that which is not. I assume their is close monitoring of that practice. I did not see anything resembling negativity.

    1. A business usually has someone who monitors the website and social media. However, I don't know who is assigned to monitor the school information.

  3. I would love to hear from someone at the school how the shift to the School Stream app has affected participation? Has this made it easier for parents to follow the classroom blogs? Or was Google Sites easier?

    1. Those are great questions! It's possible that they might answer if you use the contact form.

  4. I would agree that I preferred the Google Sites, Blogspot, and SeeSaw blogs better than School Stream. I didn't find the layout of School Stream that appealing. It seems like it was more designed for a mobile device and was just plugged into a standard iframe. On the Google Site it would also been nicer if they put the School Stream message more prominent on the page. It had so much content that I didn't notice at first.

    1. It does seem like they didn't try hard on the visual. Also, there were a lot of links without a lot of information. Perhaps it might've been best to combine the information in one location.
