Saturday, August 3, 2019

Russell Street School

Looking over the Russell Street School, I like how they have a RSS feed section for blogs of different classrooms and school departments on their google sites page. It is interesting that they have both a website and a sites page. There seems to be a lot going on while navigating the Google sites page and some of it is a bit distracting visually while trying to navigate the pages. Maybe it’s just me.

I think my favorite thing I noticed is on their webpage they have a news link that shows all the RSS blog feeds for the school and has the option of using the School stream mobile app to access them. I think that could be helpful for parents, students, and faculty to stay informed at all times on their assignments and school information. I have no experience with the app but I am sure it has a better notification system for new post/comments and it seems to be more organized.

Looking through different blogs of the school, they do a great job of explaining what is going on so an outsider like myself or parents could easily follow along and understand what their kids are doing that week. I think that could be helpful for parents to know how they can assist at home. I also like the heavy use of images and videos in their posts. In the Team 6s (room6) blog I am really impressed with the layout. They have different pages for different subjects and includes a Twitter feed. Clicking on different subjects, it shares a variety of resources that include links such as information for parents, videos, interactive games, etc. The “us” page has every students picture and if you click on them, it will open up their personal class blogs (some don’t work). It is cool to see such young students are using blogs to document their participation in different school activities with video, images, and text, and also commenting on each other’s blogs. What is even more impressive is some of the student’s blogs have integrated different Google apps like a Google Slide show to demonstrate the class material.


  1. I too was so impressed with the pervasive use of 21st century tools at such a young age. I thought the application of using audio posts to help the students with reading accuracy was especially effective.

    1. Very impressive. It would be interesting to see the change in literacy and other traits of their students since they began using these technologies in their school.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. As accomplished and circumspect as is the Russel Street School, I imagine that they have that data. I agree, the data would be fascinating to digest.
      (I reposted due to a misspelling)

  2. I really liked their RSS blog feed too. It would definitely make it easy for a students or parent to quickly find the class they were looking for. The only thing that confused me a bit was the fact that they had RSS feeds and the acronym for the Russell Street School was also RSS. They seem to use both of these so sometimes I wasn't sure which acronym they were using. I also really liked Team 6's blog. I loved the idea of using Twitter for students to write a short review of a book. I think students would really enjoy this!

  3. I agree that it was so cool to see what students were working on! I appreciated the wide range of posts and activities. This practice also models appropriate digital citizenship, and opens up to lots of important conversations about our digital world.

  4. I like when an RSS is added to the Chrome bar because I see a notification right away. However, I don't know if all feeds have that option.
